021 4757707

Water Leak Detection

TEL: 021-4757707

Welcome to

Beltane Fire Safety Systems Ltd


A fire safety systems provider offering a
complete range of design, supply, install, commission and maintenance of active
fire detection systems.

Water leak detection detects and notify water leaks at an early stage.

Water leak detection in server or plant rooms is essential to prevent major damage and outages to equipment. This can lead to expensive repair bills and loss of information and man hours.

Water leak detection systems for server rooms and data centres are divided into spot detector, rope detector, and locate sensors. These can be divided into single zone system and multi zone system.

Beltane Fire will install, commission, service and repair Water Leak Detection systems. We will identify the main areas that require Water Leak Detection.
We supply, repair and Water Leak Detection using only proven industry leading technology.

Call us today

Tel: 021-4757707


Unit 34, Northpoint Business Park,
New Mallow Road,



